Upcoming Shamanic Courses
INTRODUCTION TO SHAMANIC JOURNEYING (for beginners) – 2 full days course
A certificate and handouts come with these courses. Vegan lunch included.
A weekend full of ancient rituals, transformations, and divinations.
This will give eveyone a good grounding to go on to more advanced work and practitioner level.
This course will include:
• Creating safe and sacred space.
• Journeying to meet your Guides, Power Animals and Helping Spirits.
• Visiting the three unseen worlds.
• Divination for self & others.
• Getting to know the elements, (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and using in
• Connecting with spirit through journeying, song and meditation.
• Connecting with nature and plants where you live.
• Making smudges and brushes from our gardens and using them
in healing.
• Journeying to our future descendants to help unlock our true potential.
• Clearing things that are blocking us.
• Closing ceremony with fire to honour the sacred work we've done, and
create for our futures with beauty and grace.
I will also be sharing the beginning of Medicine of the Earth work from a shamanic view point which I have been working with for over 20 yrs, this is always a beautiful and sacred way to work, allowing you to heal the Earth where you live, and beyond, with amazing results.
Price €120.00.
This can be repeated by previous students for €75.00.
THE SHAMAN'S PATH – 5 full days course
Pre requisite. Level 1 or similar
You need journeying experiance for this course.
This course empowers you to work with clients and groups and is a prerequisite to practitioner level and more advanced work, like Soul Retrevel training, Psychopomp work and Earth Medicine.
This course will include:
Connecting with spirit through journeying, song and meditation run through this course.
• A shamanic view of looking at illness.
• Keeping safe in your journeys.
• Healing others, finding out what needs to be healed, how best to do this,
then completing a healing.
• Extracting the original course of illness.
• Making brushes & smudges in a sacred way & using them in
healing practise.
• Helping allies, working with the elements. Earth, Air, fire, Water, how to
use this in healing practise.
• Working with the Medicine Wheel.
• Healing the earth around your home.
• Working with community, helping places in the world after disasters like
fires or earthquakes.
• Visiting our future descendants to ask for healing methods and gifts that
can help us in our present day.
• Complete a journey for someone using what you’ve learned.
• Destiny retrieval.
• Psychopomp.
• Finishing ceremony.
• Earth Medicine Work. This will be out on location somewhere close by. Dealing with such things as Spiritual problems and negative energies left by past events, and will be dealt with in a safe loving and effective way, including phyco pomp work.
Once you have had practical experience in working like this, it can help you so much in other areas of your life. This is an advanced and powerful way of working.
Price €300.00.
This can be repeated by previous students for €125.00.
Shamanic Extractions are included in all our courses getting deeper as you go.
2 full days course
Pre requisite: the Shamans Path level 1 & 2, plus three case studies of journeying for clients are required for this course.
Soul Retreival for another person is advanced healing which can deepen the work of Shamanic healers, it requires that your foundation, skills and knowledge of shamanic journeying are Solid.
Soul retrieval is a unique shamanic healing method for regaining wholeness and balance after trauma and shock have fragmented the soul. It is a classical healing practise where the shaman finds and returns parts of the soul which have been lost.
When soul loss occurs as the result of traumatic circumstances, it is followed by illnesses of different kinds, mental or physical. Depression, immune system disorders, problems in relationships, low self-esteem, dysfunctional thought forms and behavioural difficulties, are just a few.
You will be guided on how to diagnose soul loss, how to find a lost piece of the soul, how to bring it back, and how to integrate it so that it remains with the person to whom it has been returned.
These teachings will enable you to step forward into the role of working as a Shamanic Practitioner with confidence and with a much deeper connection with Spirit & your Shamanic Practice.
This is an in-depth 3 day workshop, which will give you the skills to bring back soul essence and life-force for your clients and activate their life purpose.
Price €180.00.
Helping people at the end of their lives is an important part of Shamanic healing.
A shaman helps the living and the dead.
This course magically opens up a whole new experience around death.
turning the experience of support into one of honour & privilege.
Learn to start living without fear, empowering and beautiful. Allow yourself the gift of moving through your own life and transition with knowing & purpose.
This course also contains healing rituals & ceremonies, learn how to create beautiful transitions for those who are departing this realm. Help them transition with beauty and grace. Be supportive in the best possible way, with an inner knowing of the truth of what that rite of passage means.
Healing lost souls. How to safely help spirits that haven't transended as they should, how to speak to them in a helpful and positive way. Help them home.
Price €120.00.
About Shamanism
Shamanic practise goes back tens of thousand of years, having roots all around the world in many different cultures.
Shamanic teaching tells us everything that exists has a spirit, and we are spiritually joined with the Earth, nature and all of life.
Many of us today feel a deep longing to experience this unity. When in a Shamanic journey we can communicate with animals, plants, trees, birds, insects, the elements, the moon, stars, the sun, anything that exists. We then experience our connection to all life.
Shamanism traditionally, focused on results for hunter gatherers, growing crops, finding water. The health of the tribe would also have been reliant on Shamanic spiritual healers, focusing on the spiritual cause of illness. The Shamans would also be conductors of ceremony, helping from one phase of life to another, births, coming of age, marriage and death.
Story telling was also an important part of this.
If a Shaman was unable to divine correctly people died, the survival of the tribe was dependent on the abilities of the Shaman.
Often there would have been more than one Shaman with a tribe, each with different abilities. The gift of these would have been passed down through the generations, we will all be linked to indiginous peoples if we go back far enough through our ancestors.
Shamanic journeying can be used by anyone today, we all have a link to this, particularly now with the new enlightenment for humanity coming with the recent changes in the Earth’s energy.
Shamanic Journeying gives you the opportunity to discover unseen allies, healing and wisdom for your life and World, gaining clarity and insight into any number of life's challenges.
Everything I dreamed of receiving from a spiritual practice this has given me, truly beautiful.
Experiences that led me (Julie Narewski) to Shamanism
As a child I always saw spirit children and played with them, it felt happy, safe, and fun, I spent many hours with my spirit friends, this was my first initiation into the spirit world.
I would pray for Angels to watch over me, and yes every night I would see a large figure with wings (about 7ft tall) standing at the foot of my bed.
I have always been a seeker of spirit, magic, and a happy heart.
My second initiation happened in my late 30 ‘s I had an illness of the immune system which left me unable to walk more than a few steps at anytime, tired, weak muscles and in pain. I had every test with no diagnosis, and not improving. This is when I turned to alternative medicine.
I learnt Reiki, Aromatherapy, & reflexology, and was soon Teaching Reiki which took over my life.
Working with plants & oils has always been a big part of my life too, Within 2 years I was healed.
After working with Reiki for around 10yrs in Clinical practise also teaching, I started to have some unusual experiences.
This was after moving to an old fisherman’s cottage in Andalucia, in the old quarters of Nerja, the Veil was so thin in this house. A completely enchanting place.
When healing someone I would see their past lives, I would see pictures of what they were doing and often felt what they were feeling, also their surroundings, what they were wearing and what was going on generally, this gave me an idea of the times, and the cause of their problem, it became helpful in their treatment, allowing me to heal their original hurt, resulting in better outcomes in their present lives.
I soon got used to traveling to people's pasts, and being guided on how to help them better.
At around the same time, I had an experience of Mother Earth speaking to me. I could hear her with my ears and feel her in my heart, a truly beautiful experience.
She was asking me to perform attunements on her, and use my healing skills to help her where it was needed and that I would get guidance on this.
I was soon healing the Earth, and the waterways, often working with crystals or rocks from the earth.
I travelled to many different countries, working for different people and from different cultures. My skills grew over the years, this has been an
on-going process, and still is.
I have experienced the love of a tree, of a place, a garden, the magic of the top of a mountain even the love of a house.
My friend and Shaman Linda Young who trained with a student of Sandra Ingerman for many years, devoted her whole life to Shamanic practise, living in retreat allowed her to do this.
She shared her Knowledge of a more formal Shamanic training with me. This was in 2017 - 2019 I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of knowing and working with her, I will forever be grateful for all that she shared with me and having her in my life, she is sadly no longer with us and I miss her all the time. I feel this was my third initiation into Shamanic practise.
The personal joy and delights from this work are abundant, so full of beauty.
Be in Love with the Earth and she will love you back.
Integrating spiritual practice into your body and cells
What to do with enlightening information we receive from all sorts of sources, books, workshops, summits, even facebook posts.
Do we only nurture our minds with this information and feel we are evolving because we have more information?
Or should we be finding ways to bring this from the rational brain into our heart chakra and all the cells of our body. To wake up the innate intelligence, to strengthen our spirit, to create lightness in our bodies, passion and wisdom.
To take new spiritual information to the deepest level possible, will help us evolve to a new level of consciousness.
This takes time and practice but is not difficult, when you feed something it will grow. Set your intention, plant the seed and then feed it.
Allow enlightened information to drop from your brain into your heart chakra, this goes from the bottom of your throat to your perineum.
To evolve into a new level of consciousness we need this shift.
Eventually, and it does take time, to bring this into our everyday lives and activities.
Everything we have all been through over the last few years, and I mean everyone, is about humanity moving forward towards this,
it's our job as teachers to help others strengthen their spirit in whatever spiritual practice we are in, to always plant positive seeds and then feed them.