We run regulare courses & workshops in Reiki, Shamanic practice, Earth Medicine, Working with nature & plants. Meditation classes, & Vegan cooking.
We (Julie and Rob) live an organic ecological off-grid lifestyle, we have both been healers for over 30 yrs and run a free healing clinic once a week, where we are happy help anyone who needs or wants this.
We treat people using different methods that we know work from our experience of Reiki, Shamanic work, lifestle, diet etc.
We also offer our students a chance to volunteer in our clinic program to gain experiance & to help others.
Julie Narewski
Aromatherapy 1996
Post Grad. Massage for Burns, Scar tissue and R.S.I. 1997
Reiki Master 1996
Karuna Reiki Master 2000
Earth Accupuncture (with Master Chan of the Chu Foundation 1 yr. course 1998)
Shamanic training, Linda Young. 2017 - 2019.
On Line Courses with Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo.
Plants & rituals of the rainforest Adriana Ayales, everyday plants in your garden or wild for healing, smudging, bathing ect.

Experiences that led me (Julie Narewski) to Shamanism
As a child I always saw spirit children and played with them, it felt happy, safe, and fun, I spent many hours with my spirit friends, this was my first initiation into the spirit world.
I would pray for Angels to watch over me, and yes every night I would see a large figure with wings (about 7ft tall) standing at the foot of my bed.
I have always been a seeker of spirit, magic, and a happy heart.
My second initiation happened in my late 30 ‘s I had an illness of the immune system which left me unable to walk more than a few steps at anytime, tired, weak muscles and in pain. I had every test with no diagnosis, and not improving. This is when I turned to alternative medicine.
I learnt Reiki, Aromatherapy, & reflexology, and was soon Teaching Reiki which took over my life.
Working with plants & oils has always been a big part of my life too, Within 2 years I was healed.
After working with Reiki for around 10yrs in Clinical practise also teaching, I started to have some unusual experiences.
This was after moving to an old fisherman’s cottage in Andalucia, in the old quarters of Nerja, the Veil was so thin in this house. A completely enchanting place.
When healing someone I would see their past lives, I would see pictures of what they were doing and often felt what they were feeling, also their surroundings, what they were wearing and what was going on generally, this gave me an idea of the times, and the cause of their problem, it became helpful in their treatment, allowing me to heal their original hurt, resulting in better outcomes in their present lives.
I soon got used to traveling to people's pasts, and being guided on how to help them better.
At around the same time, I had an experience of Mother Earth speaking to me. I could hear her with my ears and feel her in my heart, a truly beautiful experience.
She was asking me to perform attunements on her, and use my healing skills to help her where it was needed and that I would get guidance on this.
I was soon healing the Earth, and the waterways, often working with crystals or rocks from the earth.
I travelled to many different countries, working for different people and from different cultures. My skills grew over the years, this has been an
on-going process, and still is.
I have experienced the love of a tree, of a place, a garden, the magic of the top of a mountain even the love of a house.
My friend and Shaman Linda Young who trained with a student of Sandra Ingerman for many years, devoted her whole life to Shamanic practise, living in retreat allowed her to do this.
She shared her Knowledge of a more formal Shamanic training with me. This was in 2017 - 2019 I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of knowing and working with her, I will forever be grateful for all that she shared with me and having her in my life, she is sadly no longer with us and I miss her all the time. I feel this was my third initiation into Shamanic practise.
The personal joy and delights from this work are abundant, so full of beauty.
Be in Love with the Earth and she will love you back.